Huitzilopochtli, god of war and sun


Today, let's dive into the Aztec (or, as they called themselves, the Mexica). The deity that interests us today is Huitzilopochtli, god of war and sun. He is the one who pushed the Aztec to leave their legendary home of Aztlan (around southern America and Northern Mexico) to their future capital city of Tenochtitlan.

Huitzilopochtli was a ruthless and bloodthirsty god. Even the battle-hungry Thor and Ares would find this guy completely nuts. Some of his actions included butchering his sister Coyolxauhqui and scattering her body in the sky, creating the moon and the milky way. Those that read my post on Ymir could say that Odin and his brothers did the same. Unlike Coyolxauhqui, Ymir was an evil being who started the fight first. Huitzilopochtli also did atrocious things like brutally murdering his nephew for being raised by his sister, the sorceress goddess Malinalxochitl. He told the Mexica priest to carve his heart out and throw it in a lake to accomplish this. Oh, and his nephew was alive during the whole process.

When the Mexica settled in Colhuacan to recover from a severe beating they recently took from a coalition of tribes, Huitzilopochtli didn't like this and screwed everything up. He forced the priest to murder the daughter of the Colhuacan's chief, with the same heart carving method used for his nephew, and then skin her.The Colhuacan, of course, were not happy and immediately attacked the Mexica. They almost wiped them out in the process.

Yeah, not exactly the most friendly patron to have. At least Odin was okay with his people taking a rest every now and then.


Tupilaq, the vengeful spirit


The Liliensternus, The oldest carnivore dinosaur